August 16, 2010

Is that a dream?

Am i dreaming or it is real?

This morning when my daddy morning call me,

he said : "Now i am finding a car for you to work at KL!!"

Did i listen wrongly or what?


Finally can get a car at KL.

My taking bus to work life gonna end soon.

I wish is very berry SOON.


But if got a car here,

my expenses sure damn high.


But is better than take bus,

because i no need wake up so early and sometimes woke up late and no need worry that is no bus.


Thanks Daddy!!

August 10, 2010





August 9, 2010

DUREX babehhh...

This advertisement seriously got a STRONG message.

Just simple few sentences,

it bring out their selling point!!!


August 4, 2010

Wedding Dress by TaeYang

Long time never listen to Korean song.
Found out this song not bad.
